Showing posts with label star wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label star wars. Show all posts

12 July 2009

Nexus Toy Fair

Today I popped into the quarterly Nexus Toy Fair for a look around. Unfortunately I could only get there for the last half an hour, so I'm pretty sure I missed some great bargains, but there was still a lot of interesting stuff to check out. Quite a few loose Star Wars figurines as I was hoping, but not many troopers which were what I was really after. Found a Spike (Buffy) bust for $30 (!!) when I first walked in, but I'd set myself a spending restriction and didn't want to blow most of it on the first thing I saw. After I'd done a lap and came back for it, it was gone. Damn. Quick or the dead in this game. I did however pick up this chap as a consolation prize, for the princely sum of $25:

Boba Fett

According to his tag, he's made by Applause, and is part of the Star Wars Classic Collectors Series. Made in 1996 I believe as well. He's about 26cm tall (just under 12"), so he's a decent size. He may not even be worth $25, but I was looking for something tall-ish to fill the gap on my 'Fett' shelf, and he's perfect. In good condition, apart from a nick on the front of his helmet.

Boba Fett

I also bought a loose Clone Trooper for $5. I think it must have been one of the preview figures as it's unarticulated. The pose is ok, but like many of the figures from EpII & III it can't stand up without the aid of Blu-tac (or an action figure peg if you want to be fancy). It's the main reason I didn't really bother with buying any of the Revenge of the Sith range. It's pointless having action figures that you can't display properly. But for $5, I can spare the Blu-tac for this guy.

As far as Nexus goes, I only wish I had more time to look around, as I'm certain there were some great treasures to be found. The next one is Saturday the 10th of October, and I will most definitely be there.

During the week I went to Toys R Us 'just for a look', and came back with a few more members for my Galactic Heroes and Super Hero Squad armies. I'd been trying to find this little fella in the shops for ages, so I didn't have to pay stupid amounts of money to get one off ebay:


Alright, so I had to pay for a four-pack to be able to get him, but he was with Wolverine, Archangel and Apocalypse, so it wasn't too bad. Look at how cute he is! I really like the pose on this one, his tail and right hand provide the support, leaving his other limbs to party like it's 1999.

I've got a few things due to arrive in the mail within the next week or so, so expect excitement and poor studio photography skills when they do turn up.

05 July 2009

Supanova 2009

Supanova 2009

My first Supanova proved to be a pretty overwhelming experience. Though, to be fair, after being there for 7 hours I had a slightly different level of 'whelm'. I went to the Tim Sale and Karl Urban panels, and had things signed by both those gents. I'm a bit of a LotR nut, so getting some facetime with Eomer was freakin brilliant. Had a Heroes comic signed by Tim Sale, I mentioned that if I had one of his commissons done I'd love a Sylar/Batman faceoff. Logistically it'd be a rubbish matchup, but I love those two characters and to have them in one drawing would be amazing. Tim's face just lit up while he was talking about Sylar and Zachary Quinto. He'd seemed...not sullen per se, just very serious for most of the day, but talking about Sylar the grin came out. It was just nice to see the artist as excited about the characters as the fans are. Cause let's face it, Sylar's really the only good thing in Heroes now.

As far as loot went, I went relatively easy. I need to curb my spending for the time being, the next thing I'm going to buy is the Doctor Who 'Heroes' range, and then I'll be organising what I've already got, before buying anything more. Bought another Batman from the 'Black and White' series (as far as collectible lines go, this is one of my favourites), Art of Marvel Vol 1 & 2 books, Marvel Civil War trade, Heroes Vol 1, and weird little chibi Batman and Robin. They were ridiculously cute, but a bit too expensive to buy the whole set at once.

As far as photos go, first things first:

Supanova 2009

Supanova 2009

If you own, or would like to own, any of the items pictured above, please close your browser window now. This blog is no place for your kind. However, the cartoon version of the poster was really cool, and if I wasn't so opposed to the revolting franchise I totally would have bought it.

Supanova 2009

Comics. So many comics. Everywhere. I've never been into comics in a big way.  I browsed the Kings Comics stall a few times (this picture isn't it), but there were just so many goddamn comics it was slightly intimidating. Civil War is the first comic I've bought since the Attack of the Clones series.

Supanova 2009

Signed things! There was an A3-ish photo of Nathan Fillion from Firefly/Serenity/Dr Horrible/Castle etc I was considering before the 'But where would you PUT it?' logical part of my brain kicked in. And I would have felt silly buying a photo just for the gratuitious handsomeness of it.

Supanova 2009

I may not really be into comics, but I sure do love books ABOUT comics. Cause that makes perfect sense. I bought the two on the far left, they'd been on my ebay watch list for ages, and here at the con they were only $20 each. Craziness. Unfortunately the ones second from left on the top were already gone when I came back to buy. I love Alex Ross's work, and it was a collab book from him and a few others. The shelf on the Wall of Nerd that actually has books on it (books in a bookcase? Madness) is looking a lot healthier tonight.

Supanova 2009

So. Many. Delicious. Collectibles. I'd told myself I was going to be good, but it felt like I was a recovering drug addict walking into a meth lab. Bombarded from all sides with shiny colourful wonderfulness. But I held out. My only major purchase was the Batman on the left, whose box I do not have near me so I can't tell you which designer/sculptor duo he is. But he's great. I'll do a post on the Black & White line in the future. They're stunning, and while I 'like' a lot of lines, I LOVE this one.

Supanova 2009

Supanova 2009

The chaps from the 501st Legion were there, posing for photos and raising money for charity (and in Vader's case, crushing tracheas). While everyone else was freaking out and having photos with the very impressive looking Vader, I was all about the Scout Troopers. I have an irrational love for Scout Troopers, to the point where they're just about my favourite thing in Star Wars (a fascination I will attempt to deconstruct in a later post). The troopers weren't quite the buff, athletic members of the Imperial army I'd hoped them to be, but still. Scout Troopers. OMG.

Supanova 2009

Supanova 2009

I'll share the blame for these crap-tastic photos. Partially the camera, but mainly the major-league absence of light in the theatre. Nevertheless, Karl Urban's panel was fantastic, even if he is a Kiwi. I think it went for 45 minutes, but it felt like 10. Most of the questions were Star Trek related, which was understandable, but a bit 'meh'. He's a funny guy, I couldn't stop looking at his black and shiny gold Nike 'kicks', paired with a suit jacket and almost-skinny leg jeans. Dapper, to say the least.

There's a minor chance I may go back tomorrow to try and get a custom drawing done, but more than likely, that's Supanova done for 2009. It was great fun, and I'm really glad I went.

04 July 2009

Macro preview

My other expensive hobby of choice is photography. I picked up my new Canon SX1 in time for Supanova tomorrow (more on that later), so I thought I'd test out its low-light and macro capabilities on models that weren't going to argue.

StarscreamRotF Robot Heroes Starscream

MetatronRotF Robot Heroes Megatron

SideswipeRotF Robot Heroes Sideswipe

Jango FettAttack of the Clones preview Jango Fett

RingwraithLord of the Rings Ringwraith animated maquette

It's only the first go-over with it, the auto-focus is a bit fussy, and the grain at ISO1600 is pretty noticeable, but for what is essentially a beefed-up point and shoot, the quality's nice. I'll be taking it along to Supanova with me tomorrow to document the madness.

Supanova is the closest thing Perth gets to a comic con, a weekend of anime, science fiction, comics, collectables, wrestling, guest speakers, etc etc. I'm quite keen to check out the panels from Lord of the Rings' Karl Urban, and Episode 1's Jake Lloyd, but generally I'm just going to soak it all up. I didn't go last year, and after seeing all the photos I wished I had. So expect photos from that in the hopefully not too distant future.