Showing posts with label doctor who. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doctor who. Show all posts

21 August 2011

They're baaaaack!

In one week's time the second half of the 2011 season of Doctor Who gets underway, and will hopefully answer some very important questions (and stop us feeling quite so guilty about giving up on the current series of Torchwood). How does the whole River thing work? Why is the lady with the eyepatch such a total bitch? How many times will Rory die? Will Amy continue to be a whiny twerp? Head under the cut for some first half discussion, the trailer for the upcoming episodes, and a wee bit of gloating by yours truly.

13 May 2010

Happy John Barrowman Day!

While the origins of John Barrowman Day are less than heroic (we discovered that John Barrowman had a CD, we gathered together to listen to it and had a wonderful time, and thus it was decided we would come together on May 12 every year to celebrate the general awesomeness that resulted from John Barrowman), the main thing is the CELEBRATION of John Barrowman Day.

Because, let's face it, John Barrowman is pretty freakin awesome. Let's have a look at some of the awesome things John Barrowman does:

John Barrowman is the head of Torchwood, and he'll fuck up your shit with some alien tech. Then he'll try to have sex with you. Often he'll succeed.

John Barrowman SINGS THE HITS! Of the 80s. For the record, I do actually own and genuinely like this album. It's insanely charming. But, er, moving right along...

John Barrowman shoots LASERS out of his fucking HANDS! Forget Iron Man and his repulsor glove crap, John Barrowman will razzle-dazzle you to death at 100 paces. And he will look insanely happy while doing it.

John Barrowman appreciates the unquestionable humour of kilts. Also he probably likes flashing people. And he's Scottish, despite the, er, American accent.

John Barrowman is such a consumate professional that he can say THAT LINE with something resembling a straight face. The poor, poor cat. Wait, he was talking about her cat, right?

John Barrowman made out with SPIKE from BUFFY! He also made out with some other guys, but they weren't as awesome as SPIKE from BUFFY!

John Barrowman dresses his dog in....people...........clothes. Okay, alright, that's not that great. But what IS GREAT, is this video:

First, he kisses David Tennant, then he unleashes sass on the Comic Con audience. WHAT. A. DUDE. It's so good I can even excuse the fact he's wearing Ed Hardy. I didn't realise people of sound mind actually WORE that garbage.

So where ever you are on May 12th, take some time out to reflect on that guy who plays Captain Jack in Torchwood, and how awesome it is that he got to kiss David Tennant that one time. And Spike from Buffy. And that guy who plays Ianto whose name I can never remember.

06 April 2010

New Who finally unleashed

I'm a few days behind the rest of the internet squawking in regards to the new Doctor Who episode, but better late than never I suppose. I shall save my proper squawking for another day once I've watched the episode again and have written down all my little niggles (ruh roh!), but as an interim review, I more or less liked it. I'm really not sold on Loafy yet, but it's only the first episode, and I imagine he'll act slightly less like a total spaz as the show goes on.

Anyway, writeup will come when I get around to it. Hopefully soon though! Cause I know you're all sitting there hitting refresh compulsively.

16 March 2010

Why April will be AWESOME

April is shaping up to be a pretty great month, for several very big and awesome reasons.

Number 1: Doctor Who is back, holy shit!

The exact date seems to be a little up in the air at the moment, but it's looking like the first few days of April. While I am still grieving over the loss of the One True Doctor, I'm looking forward to having new Who every week, and snickering over how Loafy isn't as awesome as Tennant, and The Ginger isn't as great as Rose. I must do an early apology to Matt Smith for the fact I will be referring to him as 'Loafy' for his entire Dr Who career, though it's not my fault his head is so rectangular and loaf-like. Also, insulting him helps me to deal with the loss of One True Doctor much better. But they're insults laced with love. He's still the Doctor, after all.

Number 2: The Stereophonics are coming back, holy shit!


They're generic Brit-rock and they get a bit more 'meh' with every record, but I don't care cause they're my favourite band in the whole damn world. April 10, Fremantle Arts Centre. OMG. I hope to be taking photos at the show, but even if I'm not I'll still be there fangirling my face off.

Number 3: Nexus is on again, holy shit!

I've tried to fill the time in between Nexuses (Nexii?) by going to other, far less superior collectible fairs, but all they do is highlight how awesome Nexus is. I went a bit crazy last time and bought a whole bunch of crap, so this time I expect to be a little more discerning. I believe it's on April 10. April 10 will be a very exciting day! Kotobukiya Scout Trooper, you shall be MINE!

Number 4: Glee is back, holy shit!

Surely it can't still be a guilty pleasure if everyone likes it? Surely? It's like a little bit of giddy sunshine every week, and if the limp-as-hell storyline starts to bore you, you can just fast forward to the singing! The new season brings us episodes by Joss Whedon, and starring Neil Patrick Harris. BARNEY ON GLEE. How fantastic.

Number 5: AFL Dream Team, holy shit!

Dream Team actually officially starts in just over a week, which is funnily enough when the AFL season starts, but I haven't participated in the competition before, so come April I'll have a few rounds under my belt and will be really hitting my stride. I'm confident with my team, the NAB Cup test run had them scoring pretty well, but at the moment the biggest decision in my life is trying to work out if I should keep Ben Cousins in my team and give him a shot for old time's sake, or trade him for a younger player who is a greater chance of playing all 22 games and less likely to end up in hospital with alcohol poisoning (SPECULATION). Expect to hear a lot more about Dream Team over the year. This is better than footy tipping. SO MUCH BETTER.

15 February 2010


Quick post to share a couple of photos of the new Doctor Who & Torchwood 'dolls' released by Tonner. And then after the photos is my approximate reaction to the 'dolls'. First is (apparently) The Doctor and second is (apparently) Jack Harkness. Oh, and also keep in mind these cost US$180. And only an extra US$50 if you want the Doctor's brown coat.

Does anybody else get the feeling that reference pictures of David Tennant and John Barrowman weren't even in the general vicinity of the location where these abominations were being put together? Though if they were actually planning on making 'creepy-stalker Martin Short' and 'winter-fun Tom Cruise' dolls then they're right on the money.